Gone Girl by
Gillian Flynn
My rating:
4 of 5 stars
I appreciate FirstReads giving me the chance to read and review this book.
This was a story of a marraige falling apart. Told in alternating chapters by Nick and Amy. I loved that we got to hear both side of the story. As Amy says am marriage is all he-said, she-said. And with anything there is always 3 side to every story: his, hers, and the truth is somewhere in the middle. Nick and Amy's marriage was definitely in trouble but Amy took her anger to a whole new level by faking her death and framing her husband. She definitely had a surprise around every corner. This was a pager turner til the very end and would have gotten 5 stars from me if it had ended diffently. I won't spoil it for you, tho, it was and ending that was plausible but not what I was hoping for. It just felt a little flat after the whirlwind story that was before it. All in all, I loved it despite the flat ending. It was full of exciting twists and turns that I didn't see coming and would recommend it to anybody that loves a good thriller.
There were a few minor points that didn't make sense to me. There was a big deal made about Amy trying to buy a gun. But I know from experience that its not difficult to buy a handgun in Missouri if you aren't a fellon or crazy. I don't understand why if she knew all the laws as her character did she just didn't go buy one at any pawn shop or gun shop? She was after all wanting to leave a trail. The other thing (and this is something that only someone from my area of the world would even notice) is at one point Amy took a train from Carthage to Jonesboro, Arkansas. That couldn't have happened. The Amtrak will take you to Walnut Ridge, AR but it doesn't stop in Jonesboro. But, I know, I'm just being picky. Like one of those people that while watching a movie says "That couldn't have happened that way!" These details don't detract from the story. It is an awesome read that I would recommened to just about anybody.
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