Friday, March 8, 2013

Witch Blood

Cover Revelations
I absolutely love my covers for the entire Witchblood series now. They are gorgeous and they flow perfectly. However to get that feel I had to discard the original Witchblood cover.

The girl in the picture is the same girl as my other covers. In fact the beautiful girl in all my covers are from the very talented German photographer, Laura Zalenga. You can see her work here on her FB page. I picked the original image because I thought it represented Jess’s emotional pain as well as the human death she suffers in the first chapter; but the feedback was very mixed. I think for a YA paranormal romance this image was a little too horrific for a lot of potential readers, so I had a re-think and came up with these:

Witch Blood Excerpt

Was he questioning life and death, wondering if there was a heaven, and if so did he think I was there? Could I see him sitting there, wishing things were different? Yet I am here, standing in the shadows watching him, unable to come out of my hiding place. I cry silent tears for his pain. I want to run to him, but my feet remain welded to the ground, unable to move a step closer for fear of what may happen. Still, I’m equally powerless to leave him alone, unable to take my eyes from his face. A face of which I know every contour, a face I grew up with, a face I want to hold in both my hands and feel his tears against my cheek.

I know exactly how his dark blonde, unruly hair would feel if I could clench it between my fingers. I know how his lips would feel: dry, a little bit cracked in the winter sunshine, but warm, always warm. And this is the reason I stay away; this is my secret, because only half of me wants to hold him, kiss him, curl into his arms and cry with him.

The other half I struggle to control. The other half wants to leap the short distance to his feet, hold his head in my hands, breathe in all his scent, and bite. Bite down hard and feel his warm thick blood rush into my mouth and throat and heat up my body, setting it alight like he’s never done before, and suck until there’s nothing left of him.

So for now I stay in the shadows. Watching and waiting.


  1. Thanks so much for posting.>:D

  2. I'm always looking for new paranormal series and authors and this sounds like an awesome to add. I'd like to have book #1 to start the series properly in mobi format for Kindle.
    alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com


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