Monday, January 21, 2019

A Stir of Bones

A Stir of Bones (Red Heart of Memories, #.5)A Stir of Bones by Nina Kiriki Hoffman

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was absolutely heartbreaking and hopeful all at the same time.

Susan who lives in a home full of secrets finally makes friends and finds a house with its own secrets. While this story is about children it is not a children's story. And the story is so gripping it is hard to put down. I wasn't ready for the story to end and I would like to know what happens with Susan and her family but from what I understand the second book does not pick up here.

This is a story full of magic, friendship, sadness and hope. My heart ached when it ended.

View all my reviews


  1. A love a powerful story and this sure does sound like one from your short but fabulous review.
    sherry @ fundinmental


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