Sunday, July 29, 2012

How Do You Find the Time

By Jade Varden

If you’re an indie author, you’ve got to spend a ton of time promoting your work, writing your work, editing your work – and, if you’re like most indie authors, you’ve also got to hold down a job, maintain some semblance of a relationship with your family and still make time for your friends.

So how do you find the time to do it all?

Friday, July 27, 2012

In The Mailbox

New reads this week:

How to Be Rich: The Couple's Guide to a Rich Life Without Worrying about Money

This is not just another book about personal finance.Forget the old concept of struggling in a financial rut and never getting ahead. There is no need to miss enjoying today by socking it all away for an uncertain tomorrow. The old boring way of managing your finances is gone forever. Today's generation is smarter, faster, and lives in a more complicated world, so it only makes sense that you need a simple system that will work for you.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

White Horse

White HorseWhite Horse by Alex Adams

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received this courtesy of FirstReads.

This was one of those books that I really had trouble putting down once I started it. I love dystopias and apocolyptic type books and this fit those categories perfectly.


to the FIRST EVER BookPushalooza!

July 26th ONLY

Books, only .99.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Producing Sympathy For Your Characters

Guest Post written by Elizabeth Guizzetti

First of all, I’d like to say thanks to Flora at the Bootheel Cotton Patch for allowing me the opportunity to do a guest blog.

Now, imagine it is a beautiful summer’s day; you and a friend are sitting on the patio of your favorite café. You would be enjoying a great lunch, however unfortunately your friend is on a long winded monologue whining about her boyfriend, her parents, her boss, and her dog. Tired already?

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Horten's Miraculous Mechanisms: Magic, Mystery, & a Very Strange Adventure

Horten's Miraculous Mechanisms: Magic, Mystery, & a Very Strange AdventureHorten's Miraculous Mechanisms: Magic, Mystery, & a Very Strange Adventure by Lissa Evans

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

What a fun, cute book! This book is perfect for middle grade kids, ages 8-12, or for anyone who is still a kid at heart.

Stuart Horten, S. Horten, who is smaller than most kids his age, has just moved to his dad's old hometown. Its summertime and Stuart knows no one in the neighborhood. He's feeling lost and lonely when he comes upon a family mystery. He learns that his great uncle Tony Horten was a magician that mysteriously disappeared. When he unexpectedly comes across the first in a series of clues he sets out to solve what happens. Along the way he makes friends, has an adventure, and learns you are more than your stature.

This was such a fun story. Its a very light fun read that is perfect for kids and adults alike. I thoroughly enjoyed it and am looking forward to reading more of Stuart's adventures.

View all my reviews

Happy Birthday Alexandre Dumas

The Cotton Patch would like to wish a Happy Birthday to the great author Alexandre Dumas. Without whom the literary world would be missing great works. Born on this day in 1802 in Paris France he is the author of such well known works as The Count of Monte Cristo and The Three Musketeers just to name a couple. The Count of Monte Cristo was one of the first classics that I ever read and is still one of my favorites. If you haven't experienced this masterpiece you should add it to your to-read list.

Happy Birthday Alexandre Dumas and thanks for all your works!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Interview with a Vampire Author

I would like to thank author Beck Sherman for agreeing to be interviewed. Sherman is the author of Revamp and is giving away 5 copies of this ebook internationally in your choice of ePub, mobi, or PDF from Smashwords. Enter your information in our Rafflecopter located below the interview for your chance to win.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Pax in the Land of Women

Pax in the Land of Women (The Ginecean Chronicles, book 2)Pax in the Land of Women by Monica La Porta

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I received a free copy of this work in exchange for an honest review.

In a word: Awesome! The series of Ginecea is one of the best that I have read in a long time. If it wasn't for minor things like work, or eating and sleeping, I would have devoured this book in one sitting.

Friday, July 20, 2012

In the Mailbox

Here are a few new reads that I have received this week.

Justice (Deck of Lies, #1)


A House of Cards...

When you build an entire life on a foundation of lies, it only takes one truth for the whole thing to come crashing down. I never invited the truth in. I never went searching for it. I never had any reason to suspect that the two people I loved most were dishonest with me every second of every day.

New Trend?

I ran across this article on Yahoo News and was very intrigued by this idea: books that disappear after they are opened and read. Apparently the book comes vacuumed sealed and once the pages are exposed to air the print fully disappears within a couple of months. I'm wondering if this is to be a new trend in books. It would promote prompt reading instead of letting a book sit on a shelf or only reading for short periods of time. It wouldn't be something you could leave and then come back to. More than likely, this will turn out to be a fad. Many of us like to pass on our books that we enjoy to others which this would do away with. Each person would likely have to purchase their own copy. Then there is the problem of what to do with the book once the print is all gone. You could use it as a journal or to take notes in. But if books are frequently printed this way you would quickly have surpluss of journals. Not to mention, you could never check these out at a library unless you got to it first.

Have you purchased one of these books? What are your thoughts on this fad?

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Revenge of the Little Match Girl

Revenge of the Little Match Girl (Zombie Fairy Tales #7)Revenge of the Little Match Girl by Kevin Richey

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received a free copy of this for review.

The story of the Little Match Girl has always been so sad to me. This little girl that has been thrown away by society like so many children. Left to freeze to death because no one would take her in and there was no where for her to be. I can't help but think about all the kids that even today go to bed hungry and sleep on the streets. Kids that their families don't want them or can't provide for them.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Grimoire Trilogy

LichgatesLichgates by S. M. Boyce

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received a free copy of this book for my honest review.

This was certainly an original story and that is one thing I look for in a good read. There were certainly influences from Narnia and LOTR but it was just that. Boyce has created a new world with new creatures, characters, and lands.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

No Strings Attatched Blog Hop

We are giving away a $20 Amazon gift card with no strings attatched. All you have to do is fill out the rafflecopter and leave your contact information.

But take your time and look around while you are here. And if you like what you see feel free to become a new follower or save us on your favorites and come back another day. Thanks for stopping by and taking part in our giveaway.

Continue on with the next blog in line and see what other giveaways are in store.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sunday, July 15, 2012

In the Mailbox

Here are some new reads that have come my way this weekend.

Calling Crow


First in a powerful new trilogy capturing the unbreakable spirit of a proud people. When an army of Spanish conquistadors descend upon the land that is now known as Georgia and South Carolina, the peaceful Muskogee are forced into captivity . . . and Calling Crow, their beloved chief, is enslaved. But he vows to free his people.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Happy Friday 13th

Hope everybody has a lucky Friday 13th. I know its a date that doesn't really mean anything, but thats no excuse not to have some fun with it.

Do you think this day is lucky? Unlucky? or Just another day?

In The Mailbox

Here are some new reads that I have received this week. Both of these are author requested reviews.

Nightscapes: Tales of Dark Fantasy

A collection of seven short stories spanning a wide gamut of styles and genres, from ghost stories to historical fantasies to surrealist horror to contemporary fantasies.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Little Giant of Aberdeen County

The Little Giant of Aberdeen CountyThe Little Giant of Aberdeen County by Tiffany Baker

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This one was a difficult one for me to rate. I would probably actually give this one 3.5 stars but I rounded up because I was so drawn in by the end that I couldn't hardly put it down.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Zombie Cinderella II

Zombie Cinderella II: The Ball (Zombie Fairy Tales #6)Zombie Cinderella II: The Ball by Kevin Richey

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received a free copy of this book for review.

This is the second part of the Zombie Cinderella story. As with the other Zombie Fairytales, this is a definite twist on the disney version. The step sisters have made it to the ball and Cinderella is right behind them. The Prince is an evil character in his own right, altho I will refrain from saying why and adding a spoiler. Other zombie characters from previous stories make an appearance along the way as well.

For all its goreyness there is a thread of humor woven throughout the story. There are places that you can't help but laugh despite the horrificness of what is going on. Its definitely an entertaining, delightfully wicked tale that has a sense of justice about it. All the bad guys get their due so to speak.

I recommend this to anyone over 18 (simply because of violence) who loves a good zombie tale and is looking for something a bit different.

View all my reviews

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Raine -- The Lords of Satyr #2

Raine (The Lords of Satyr, #2)Raine by Elizabeth Amber

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the second book in the Lords of Satyr series and it is just as good or better than the first one, Nicholas. As with the first one, this one is definitely not for just anyone. If you don't enjoy the strange and unusual then I suggest you look elsewhere. Personally, I love the strange and unusual and therefore I loved this one.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Finding the Right Detective

The Cotton Patch would like to welcome author Robert Downs as he shares this guest post with us.

While characters are created every day, by authors known and unknown, fresh voices are getting harder and harder to come by. Often, it’s a simple twist, like a non-smoker with a trust fund in a world where all the hard-boiled detectives are smokers, loners, and relatively broke.

As readers we want to see unique, but we don’t know what’s unique until we read it. However, if you go too far into the unknown with a voice that’s more troubled than pure, you run the risk of turning your reader off. Does that mean you shouldn’t take risk?

Friday, July 6, 2012

In the Mailbox

New reads this week:

This book I won from FirstReads way back in March. It just now made its appearance

White Horse


Thirty-year-old Zoe leads an ordinary life until the end of the world arrives. She is cleaning cages and floors at Pope Pharmaceuticals when the President of the United States announces that human beings are no longer a viable species.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

THE CHAKRA DIARIES – Free on Kindle Today

Balance your Chakras and Balance your Life!

This blog is written by our guest, Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, and soon-to-be-released novel, Chakra Secrets. When not writing, she is a holistic counselor, yoga and meditation instructor, trying to spread the healing power of love.

Do you want to spice up your sex life or feel more passionate, graceful and creative? Unblocking your Sacral or 2nd Chakra may be the key. It is an especially important chakra for women to keep in balance, connecting you to your passion and to the Divine Feminine.

There are seven major chakras in our energy field that each affect our emotional and physical health in a different way. Two characters in The Chakra Diaries have unbalanced Sacral Chakras – one, a woman in her forties, Deborah has lost her libido, the other, Sarah, a young woman, is both unsure of her sexual orientation and promiscuous. Chakra balancing brings them back to a space of confidence and creativity where they are better able to trust their feminine intuition and make true love connections.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


RevampRevamp by Beck Sherman

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received a free copy of this book for my review.

When I first received this book I was a bit daunted by the size of it. It is a rather long book, but well worth every page.

A well orchestrated black out brought about the downfall of the human population in the United States and the uprising of the vampire nation. A handfull of people found each other amidst the turmoil and vowed to fight against this. Full of characters that are really brought to life and relationship that feel very realistic. They aren't love affairs that spring up over night and some you even wonder where they are headed by the time the book ends.

Happy 4th of July!!!!

We here at the Cotton Patch want to wish everyone a safe and happy 4th of July. And to say thank you to all the men and women who will be spending this 4th of July away from their families while serving in the armed forces.

This is the time of the year in SEMO when watermelons are coming off the vine and families are gathering for reunions. This year the oppressive heat and dry conditions have caused more activities to be moved inside and fireworks to be banned. And overall, less time for books. (Which is my excuse for not posting a review in the last week)

With it being our nation's birthday I tried to think about books that would be patriotic in nature, short of being some kind of political book or biography of a president. One book that came to mind was

The Secret Life of Houdini: The Making of America's First Superhero

This choice might be a little bit surprising, but Houdini found time to serve his country even as busy as he was with his great career. This was an awesome biography that was not only very intersting but written like a great novel. It was one of those books that I hated to see the last page come.

What books bring patriotism to mind for you?

Monday, July 2, 2012

I Want You To Tell Me A Story

Hi there, my name is Marc Nash, an independent author from London with 4 books published on Kindle and several more to come.

While it's tough competing out there trying to get noticed and to get attention for my books, I'm actually going to try and make it harder for myself by recruiting some more writers to publish books of their own. People who maybe up until now haven't felt able to consider themselves as an author. I want to encourage as many people as possible to become writers. After all, the means of getting published are readily available and at little or no cost, so the only barrier to becoming an author is you!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

In the Mailbox

I have some new reads to pass along from over the weekend:

When I Fall (An Uncommon Whore, #2)

I loved the first one in this series An Uncommon Whore You can find my review here. So when I was told there was a sequel I had to track it down.

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